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About Company

GDG Professionals is the company providing high level professional service in the fields of  Personnel Management, Coaching, Training along with the Headhunting/Recruitment. Having recommended itself as a company oriented to aims and results, GDG Professionals works in compliance with the international standards. Our services include quality support in such areas as HRM development, business cases/processess management and optimization. 

About Company – GDG Professionals Team


 In order to assist our clients to set their strategic goals and add the amount of confidence and value, GDG Professionals offer their supoort in development of HRM in the following four directions: 

  • Strategic partnership
  • Administration
  • Management of Change
  • Personnel Management

As professionals, we build our business relations with clients on the grounds of trust, confidence and partnership principles.


In the business world we are well recognized as a company:

  • Focusing on the strategic management
  • Estimating client’s readiness for changes and implementing development of those
  • Harmonizing organizational culture of local companies with international best practices
    • Adding value to companies/organizations

The name of our company is closely connected with the activities performed in the Management sphere and services provided in HRM field. Those include headhunting/recruitment, coaching and management consulting as well as suggestion of new training methods, etc. GDG Professionals is the constantly improving group of professionals introducing new services to the employment market.

 We assist our clients not only to enhance their HRM activity by means of introduction and popularization of new views and approaches, but also help to set up the basics of HRM system, create guidelines and implement them.

 GDG Professionals is truly devoted to its ission and principles of work, the quality that makes us extremely different and special. We have been leaders in the field of provided services for many years and hold our positions up to now.

And we sincerely believe that quality is the sign of professionalism! 

Our history

Established in 1999 GDG Professionals is a leading HRM, Coaching, Training and Headhunting company. History of headhunting/recruiting, HRM and executive coaching in Azerbaijan begins with GDG Professionals. After more than 15 years of experience in business, our services are perfected and matured. We deliver results at the highest standards and are internationally recognized within the industry.

Due to successful development, strong position and trustworthy reputation in the market GDG Professionals added three more activities to its service list:

    1. Different types of Trainings
    2. Management Consultancy
    3. HR Audit

Basing on responsible and serious attitude the other contribution brought by GDG Professionals was the implementation of new Training evaluation method - return on investment formula and training impacts measurement on employee performance.

GDG Professionals is characterized by its partners as:

  • bringing changes and development to partner companies;
  • value adding company to partners’ profitibility;
  • professional attitude and proven approaches to local management insights


We are honest and straightforward in all our dealings with clients, candidates and its employees. GDG Professionals committed to growing our business through embracing technology, developing strong partnerships and by placing the emphasis on providing high levels of customer satisfaction.



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