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Customers Satisfaction Survey


Customers Satisfaction Survey


One of essential services providing by GDG Professionals is Customer satisfaction survey which is important for survival of businesses for below stipulated reasons:

  • Customer satisfaction surveys are important vehicles for enterprises, as they measure customer satisfaction, and therefore help to determine customer loyalty.
  • Historical data tracking is crucial in the customer satisfaction survey system. If an enterprise does not manage customer data, it cannot analyze responses over a given time, making it difficult to see if products, services, and/or support are improving, worsening, or remaining stagnant.
  • Successful customer satisfaction surveys require clear and well-understood processes. This means that executives and their employees need to set concrete and realistic objectives, and to understand different sampling, methodology, and design issues.


Moreover, survey developers should understand customer satisfaction question creation, and how each question helps to attain the desired objectives. Consequently, the primary reasons for assessing customer satisfaction are to maximize customer retention, and to gain and build customer loyalty.

GDG Professionals conduct Customer Satisfaction Surveys for the following reasons:

  • Demonstrate commitment to listening to customers
  • Enhance profits
  • Gain feedback from customers about products, services, and/or support, outside of what customers provide the sales force
  • Improve customer satisfaction and retention
  • Improve quality of service
  • Increase market share
  • Increase repeat business
  • Learn where the company stands in comparison with competitors
  • Measure and compensate the sales organization
  • Obtain information on product developments, priorities, and requirements
  • Obtain input on new products or services
  • Provide a way for unhappy customers to vent
  • Target resources on issues of concern to customers.
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