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  • Corporate culture

    July 11, 2016 @ 10:29|0 Comments

    Corporate culture refers to the shared values, attitudes, standards, and beliefs that characterize members of an organization and define its nature. Corporate culture is rooted in an organization's goals, strategies, structure, and approaches to labor, customers, investors, and the greater community. As such, it is an essential component in any business's ultimate success or failure. Corporate culture by definition affects a firm's operations. It is also, by definition, something that flows from management downward and outward. In many corporations, the "culture" was set very early on by th...
  • Strategy

    March 11, 2016 @ 08:53|0 Comments

    Strategy is about shaping the future. Corporate strategy is about shaping the future for an organisation. You use strategy to figure out how to achieve your purpose and ambitions. You move between where you want to go (ends) and what you need to do to get there (means). Great strategy is the quickest route from means to ends to shape your future. We bring to your attention the successful strategy of the Cheesecake Factory as an example. The Cheesecake Factory has grown into a billion-dollar corporation. Its recipe for success is based on a small number of strategic ingredients. They founder cr...
  • What HR did and what they should have done...

    November 30, 2015 @ 11:31|0 Comments

    What HR did and what they should have done... When disaster strikes we all wish we’d had prior warning as those involved in the libor, horse meat and phone hackings scandals will testify. But such events are nothing new. PM looks at the five biggest HR crises of all time and asks the experts for their verdict on what should HR have done. “Brent Spar reputational damage” one of those crisis. What Happened? Oil storage buoy Brent Spar (operated by Shell), had a fractious fight in 1995 with Greenpeace over its plans to dispose of it in deep Atlantic waters (which had been approved by the UK gove...
  • Rules for Face-to-Face Meetings

    October 28, 2015 @ 06:46|0 Comments

    Rules for Face-to-Face Meetings Follow these guidelines when you meet with customers and you're much more likely to win their business.While a lot of business is conducted today over the Internet and the telephone, customers often want to meet you personally, just to make certain you're the kind of person who can be trusted to deliver what you promise.Here are the eternal DOs and DON'Ts of these face-to-face meetings, based upon experiences and dozens of anecdotes from "school of hard knocks" salespeople:1. DO have a specific goal. Always have a goal like: "obtain approval to present to senior...
  • what you can do to keep your job

    October 14, 2015 @ 10:18|0 Comments

    I’m often asked what you can do to keep your job. And with 2.5 million unemployed people in the UK, it’s a topic never from everybody’s thoughts. The current state of the economy doesn’t help – but some people lose their jobs due to factors that are completely within their control. Having worked in industries as varied as manufacturing and banking, and in both the public and private sectors, here are my seven secrets of job security. 1. Keep your skills and knowledge up to dateWith change now a global certainty, being up to date in your skills and knowledge is no longer an advantage, it’s ...

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