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HRM Training announcement

GDG Professionals, HRM company is announcing its next HRM Training Program.
Below are the topics of the Program:
1. Basic of Human Resources Management;
2. HR planning and Recruiting;
3. Interviews;
4. Performance Evaluation;
5. Training and Development;
6. Motivation;
7. Job Evaluation;
8. Documentation/Labor Code;
The training based on interactive methods, brainstorming, role-play exercises and case studies.
Duration of training: 2 months (on Saturdays)
(Coffee break, sertificate, handout and VAT are included.)
Language: Azerbaijani;
Certificates are provided to participants.
*The time of training can be changed upon request of participants.
Address: Nobel ave. 15, Yeni Hayat, Azure Business Center, 9th floor, 50th office
For registration and further information contact us via (012) 488 64 19/20; (055) 507 50 88 and office@gdg.az email.


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