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"Problem solving"


Problem solving

There are many ways of Problem Solving and Decision making. This workshop combines a number of Problem solving tools including brainstorming, Ishikawa, SWOT analysis, Mind Mapping and Decision. The workshop is designed to be fully participative. Delegates will be encouraged to bring real problems with them.



By attending this training participants will:

  • Gain a greater understanding of the problem solving process.
  • Acquire a range of problem solving tools that can be transferred into work situations.



People with lack of problem solving ability and have difficulty to decide particularly in crucial moments.

Program Details

GDG Professionals has its own unique approaches and professional methods to make training materials easily understood by participants,to strengthen the training effects in participants’ memories/minds in a way that it contributes to the efficiency of performance and add morevalue to the company.

Our professional trainers also consider learning types of participants and adapt the training accordingly.

Methods used in training (brainstorming, discussions in groups, videotaping, case-studies) are interactive and organized in the way that participants share their thoughts, discuss/analyze them.


Training duration: 2 days

Begins: 9:00

1.Cofee break: 10:00-10:15

2.Cofee break: 11:30-11:45


In case of corporate orders (all or most participants are from one company) hours are flexible i.e., may start second part of the day.

Location offered

GDG Professionals office: Baku, Nobel ave 15, Azure business center, 9th floor, 50 office

Client’s  office (if suggested by client)



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